

繁华大都会纽约,光影交错的人间乐土,相应有层出不穷的罪恶侵蚀着这片土地。小青年彼得·帕克(Christopher Daniel Barnes 配音)和唯一的亲人梅婶(Linda Gary 饰)相依为命,如许许多多美国青年一样穿行在繁忙的闹市街头。





New Spider-Man 1995 – Season 1, Volumes 1 & 2.jpg

S1E01 Night of the Lizard.mp4

S1E02 The Spider Slayer.mp4

S1E03 Return of the Spider Slayer.mp4

S1E04 Doctor Octopus Armed and Dangerous.mp4

S1E05 The Menace of Mysterio.mp4

S1E06 The Sting of the Scorpion.mp4

S1E07 Kraven the Hunter.mp4

S1E08 The Alien Costume (Part 1).mp4

S1E09 The Alien Costume (Part 2).mp4

S1E10 The Alien Costume (Part 3).mp4

S1E11 The Hobgoblin (Part 1).mp4

S1E12 The Hobgoblin (Part 2).mp4

S1E13 Day of the Chameleon.mp4


New Spider-Man 1995 – Season 2, Volumes 1 & 2.jpg

S2E14 The Insidious Six.mp4

S2E15 Battle of the Insidious Six.mp4

S2E16 Hydro-Man.mp4

S2E17 The Mutant Agenda.mp4

S2E18 Mutants’ Revenge.mp4

S2E19 Morbius.mp4

S2E20 Enter the Punisher.mp4

S2E21 Duel of the Hunters.mp4

S2E22 Blade, the Vampire Hunter.mp4

S2E23 The Immortal Vampire.mp4

S2E24 Tablet of Time.mp4

S2E25 Ravages of Time.mp4

S2E26 Shriek of the Vulture.mp4

S2E27 The Final Nightmare.mp4


New Spider-Man 1995 – Season 3, Volumes 1 & 2.jpg

S3E28 Doctor Strange.mp4

S3E29 Make a Wish.mp4

S3E30 Attack of the Octobot.mp4

S3E31 Enter the Green Goblin.mp4

S3E32 Rocket Racer.mp4

S3E33 Framed.mp4

S3E34 The Man Without Fear.mp4

S3E35 The Ultimate Slayer.mp4

S3E36 Tombstone.mp4

S3E37 Venom Returns.mp4

S3E38 Carnage.mp4

S3E39 The Spot.mp4

S3E40 Goblin War!.mp4

S3E41 Turning Point.mp4


New Spider-Man 1995 – Season 4, Volumes 1 & 2.jpg

S4E42 Guilty.mp4

S4E43 The Cat.mp4

S4E44 The Black Cat.mp4

S4E45 The Return of Kraven.mp4

S4E46 Partners.mp4

S4E47 The Awakening.mp4

S4E48 The Vampire Queen.mp4

S4E49 The Return of the Green Goblin.mp4

S4E50 The Haunting of Mary Jane Watson.mp4

S4E51 The Lizard King.mp4

S4E52 The Prowler.mp4

S4E53 The Wedding.mp4


New Spider-Man 1995 – Season 5, Volumes 1 & 2.jpg

S5E54 Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter I.mp4

S5E55 Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter II Unclaimed Legacy.mp4

S5E56 Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter III Secrets of the Six.mp4

S5E57 Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter IV The Six Fight Again.mp4

S5E58 Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter V The Price of Heroism.mp4

S5E59 The Return of Hydro-Man (Part 1).mp4

S5E60 The Return of Hydro-Man (Part 2).mp4

S5E61 Secret Wars, Chapter I Arrival.mp4

S5E62 Secret Wars, Chapter II The Gauntlet of the Red Skull.mp4

S5E63 Secret Wars, Chapter III Doom.mp4

S5E64 Spider Wars, Chapter I I Really, Really Hate Clones.mp4

S5E65 Spider Wars, Chapter II Farewell, Spider-Man.mp4


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